How the digitization process helps the business as a competitive advantage

Digitization can be a great competitive advantage for businesses for many reasons. Here are some of the main ways the digitization process can help businesses improve their performance and gain a competitive advantage:

  • Improved efficiency: A digital process typically reduces operating costs because some activities that would otherwise have to be performed by employees can be automated. This means that businesses can invest their resources in other areas, improving their efficiency and performance.
  • Better customer orientation: Digitization provides businesses with the tools and technology to better understand their customers and their needs. This can include various methods of data collection and analysis to help understand even unspoken customer needs or prevent potential risks.
  • Improving speed and accuracy: Digitization enables businesses to improve the speed and accuracy of their processes, enabling them to address customer needs more quickly and efficiently and improve the quality of their products or services

Digitization is becoming an increasingly important part of the modern business world. The digitization process allows businesses to move from traditional manual processes to automated and more efficient ways of managing their activities based on data. It helps them increase productivity, reduce costs and provide better service to their customers.

WorkSys, as a unique digitization tool, which is able to provide software and hardware at the same time and leave you the freedom to choose business solutions for the future, will help you not only to be on time and among the first in your business field, but to be prepared there in knowing your options and the needs of the customer.


WorkSys – IIoT solution for digitization

Fast, efficient and affordable solutions for all areas of business digitization…

Effective digitization

Software as a Service


Fast implementation

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Practical examples

Who we are?

World’s one of most complete horizontal integration provider of new Data Science.

Bringing value to the market through a unique connection Data
Mining / Data Cleaning / Data Trading / Data Analyzing / Data Go To
market final solutions.

You can grow faster as ever before with customized solutions for
retrieval, storage and Tetration data analysis.

Logical view on whole Value Chain
Understand that big data is not a scarecrow and is not a burden, but a value. We are ready through integration and userfriendly ergonomic approach to make a nightmare and heavy technological process an effective tool and a small investment with a quick wins.


• Web
• IoT
• Earth observation data
• Mobil operator data
• Social media
• Open data
• Other data (stream,
micro batch, leasing,…)


• Reading and preprocessing data
• Processing to datasets
• Store datasets to datacubic library

data market

• Store and Trading models
• Solution library
• Data and Trading Analyses
• Project oriented requests
• Go to market

Tetration data analyzer

• Data analyzer
• Deep Data Analyzer
• Interpretation & Visualization

What is the problem?

Understand that big data is not a scarecrow and is not a burden, but a value

Remember that big data is a business asset and a source of your future progress and should not be a concern about the technological process. We are ready to make you a nightmare and a difficult technological process an effective tool and a small investment with a quick return. We understand that as a customer you are not interested in what is going on within the process itself and you are not overly interested in related work such as data architectures, resource provision, database management and the like. On the contrary, you require high level visualization and the associated quality and reliability of data. Despite the fact that we are still listening to a lot of information on how to get the most out of big data, no one seems to have succeeded in this so far. Remember that big data is the business asset of the source of your future progress and should not be a concern about the technological process. We are ready to make you a nightmare and a difficult technological process an effective tool and a small investment with a quick return.

Our Solution

You can grow faster as ever before with customized solutions for retrieval, storage and Tetration data analysis.

analyse.tion 90%
market.tion 70%
Clean.tion 90%
Source.tion 85%


Interested in Working With Us?

We build brands and help them succeed! Simply, Effective and Transparent.

Tetration Data Mining / Data Mining Technology (Source.tion)

We have one of the strongest global divisions to search for the necessary data from Earth observation satellites, data published on the web, social networks, anonymized data of mobile operators, IoT data, temporarily and purposefully defined data, internal data organizations and oth er types of Open Data and Big Data. For us, Data Mining is a process that we use to turn raw data into useful information. With the help of software for searching for patterns in large series of data, our clients can learn a huge number of important, necessary and unavailable and unimaginable information about the market, customers, competition, projects, rules and indispensable details so that they can de velop more effective strategies, increase performance and reduce costs.

Tetration Local Data Cleaner /(Clean.tion)

Internal data is information, statistics, and trends that organizations create during their day to day operations. It includes s preadsheets, presentations,
comparisons, facts and figures that organizations, associations and companies generate or obtain from internal databases, sof twa re, customers, decision
making and messaging.

Internal data can be found in various departments, in various databases, ERP, MRP, …. systems, backup disks, various data ware houses, or just directly on the computers of individual employees and members of organizations. Tetration Local Data Cleaner recognizes this necessary data, searches it, transforms it into a structured form and saves it publicly in the company’s data library and subsequently Tetration Data Analyzer knows this amount of data by cross domain data analysis bring unexpected, huge, new and previously invisible value. You can grow faster than ever before with customized solutions for capturing, storing and analyzing Tetration data.

Tetration Data Market / Data Exchange technology Platform (Market.tion)

With this service, we release data sets for external needs and third party partners. This platform allows these provide struc
tur ed and licensed data products in a marketable, trusted and transparent environment that is secure and in accordance with all necessary and growing regulations. Tetration Data exchange Platform is the basis of a successful data strategy and helps to unlock the unreal potential of data.

In this way, data users gain access to the efficient data needed to:
■ Improve efficiency
■ Generate new revenue streams and unique solutions
■ Increasing the value of the company

Tetration Data Analyzer / Data Analyzer Technology (Analyse.tion)

This colossal amount of data can be valorized based on our in house intuitive analyzer, Deep Data third party analyzers, as well as machine learning algorithms, resulting in new services, solutions, savings, efficient tools and business models. Our mission is also to facilitate access to these technologies and to provide the best information for your strategic decisions at different levels and in different dimensions.

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Coups of Coffee
Working Hours

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