“…Our approach in the company has been different from the beginning, defying the trend and we believe that our solution is one of the few that has opted for a unique approach. The general discussion of interoperability talks about cloud interoperability. This is an extremely complex game that is causing some of the most influential players major headaches as they try to understand how to seamlessly integrate multiple platforms. API integration is the talk of the day for the current solution to this dilemma, but it’s simply not sustainable or practical. It might look great on paper, but don’t forget to consider the small part that these people didn’t think was necessary at first – the EDGE.
This methodology (Cloud computing) is extremely dependent on the technology of intelligent sensors with a high demand for data transfer to the cloud. There is such a high dependency on networks and as a result it is difficult for “platforms” to cope without EDGE technology. However, they still hope that 5G will help them. No, not even a “20G” network will solve this problem. Many vendors still focus only on the cloud, and this is understandable, especially if they have invested (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud,…) millions in cloud-dependent technologies…”
Our vision
To show that digitization is not the goal of companies’ efforts, but a means to efficiency and savings.
Our mission
Help create an effective digital ecosystem as a group of interconnected information and digital technology solutions that can work as one. The digital ecosystem consists of suppliers, business partners, applications, third-party data service providers, as well as your existing solutions, as well as all relevant necessary technologies. Interoperability is only one and the most important key to the success of the digital ecosystem.
Our values
Innovation, Reliability, Flexibility, Long-term business partnership
Frequently asked questions of our customers
- We are already digitizing. We bought MES, SW for energy management, etc. Is that not enough? What about it now?
- What will happen to the investments we have already invested in digitization?
- Are we not in danger of vendor lock-in?
- What will this mean for our future investments in digitization?
Take everything good and digital and integrate it into a common place (investment protection)
- Combine all digitized processes in one place in an integrated manner.
- Interconnection of individual solutions (verticals) helps to obtain additional savings and efficiency
- By interconnecting systems, you can increase the number of automatable processes even between individual verticals and create more efficient early warning systems.
To retain freedom in the choice of current and future technological and SW investments
- A good digital IIoT system can quickly and efficiently integrate all current and future vertical solutions
- By data centralization, we increase the digital coverage of company processes to increase self-awareness and search for efficiency and savings faster
- By connecting individual verticals, the systems can mutually enrich and streamline data and re-use data in other application verticals
- The system can work well even without integration into planning and economic systems, but connecting them increases the quality of data and the quality of automated or managerial decision-making
- A good digital IIoT system makes it possible to easily apply new technologies and SW to supplement missing data
WorkSys brings an end to vendor lock-in solutions
WorkSys brings comprehensive digitalization of the factory and the challenges of the connected world
Energy with significant savings (simple, short, now)
- The entire model is based on predictive models, early warning systems, etc.
- By regulating your own consumption, you will get a clear idea of the need for a smaller investment in renewable resources
- We will create a complex corporate energy digital CONTROLLER for you
- Sequence of steps and professional approach through digitization
- The technology is open, standardized, and the customer receives a tool on which he largely performs the entire process himself
- We achieve significant savings from 17 to 23% with low initial investments
The most frequently implemented solutions
Production – Logistics – Safety
( Výroba – Logistika – Bezpečnosť )
- Digitálny monitoring manuálnej výroby / Monitoring manuálnej výroby digitálne
- Monitorovanie procesu výroby a sledovanie efektivity (OEE)
- Efektivita a vyťaženie VzV – aktívny monitoring
- Kontrola správneho párovania etikiet
- Bezpečnosť pracovnej sily a vybavenia
- Ako video dohľad podporuje všeobecnú bezpečnosť
- Využitie senzorov pohybu na monitoring, optimalizáciu a utilizáciu skladu
- Robotická bezpečnosť / Autorizácia operátora / Bezpečnosť pri obsluhe strojových zariadení
Energy – Environmental indicators
( Energetika – Environmentálne ukazovatele )
- Aktívny metering a prediktívny modeling rôznych veličín spotreby
- Energetika – 7 krokov k cieľu – od monitoring k riadeniu
- Monitorovanie teploty, vlhkosti, CO2 a množstva pevných častí
- Monitoring / Stlačený vzduch – audit spotreby
- Vizuálna kontrola fyzických objektov pomocou špičkovej AI
- Digitálna karta zamestnanca